Hello everyone, and do you all know what today is? Ding ding! I Didn't Blink is today. I had 13 entries last week, let's keep this kind of pace up.
New here? Check out the rules for I Didn't Blink.
I hope everyone has fun and is creative for this weeks subject.
News: Congrats to
last week's winners on the subject, weather.
I added a new rule to the page:
Can I enter the same photo for two different subjects?
The reason I will not allow this is because I want creativity, you don't use any creativity when you pull up a picture you have already entered before."
The subject this week is...
Why sunsets? I love sunsets.
Lately, I have been inspired by sunsets.
Sunset pictures I love:
Sunsets are some things created that have color, texture and beauty. I am amazed at how wonderful a simple sky with colors can be. I think everyone has seen at least one sunset in their life and should agree with me. If you absolutely CAN'T get a picture of a sunset, then I will allow a picture of something that reminds you of one, or a drawing.
The deadline is the Thursday, November 25th 12:00 AM (Midnight) MTN Time.
And lastly, you must include one of these buttons (below) in your post:

And after you enter your link, why don't you do some blog hopping?